Deputies in CA seize firearms, arrest parent and student after middle school student makes threats

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Basic Information
Title this case:
Deputies in CA seize firearms, arrest parent and student after middle school student makes threats
Information Sources
  • News


Who is submitting this information?
Safe and Sound Schools’ Staff
School Information
Location of school (city)
Jurupa Valley
Location of school (state)
What best describes the area where the school is located?
Type of School
Grade/education level
Middle School (Jr. High)
How many students are currently enrolled in the school?
1001 to 2000
Does the school have a counselor/counselors?
Did the counselor have knowledge of or engage in previous interventions/ discipline with the suspect(s)?
Describe the security system at the school
  • School resource officer(s) or security officers at/in school
  • Teachers and staff required to wear badges/ID
  • Visitors required to sign in
  • Visitors required to wear badges/ID


Event Information
Was this event:
Averted: The attacker was unable to injure or kill any victims.
Explain this event:
A school resource officer responded to reports of criminal threats made by a student toward classmates in his/her middle school. An investigation was conducted. Authorities visited a residence and discovered three unsecured assault rifles, a handgun, and several hundred rounds of ammunition. The firearms were seized as evidence. A parent and the student were arrested in this incident.
Approximate date plot was discovered:
How was this incident averted?
The school resource officer immediately acted on a report of threats being made by a student and visited a residence associated with the investigation. Three unsecured rifles, a handgun, and hundreds of rounds of ammunition were seized.
Suspect Information
How many suspects were involved with the plot?
Suspect #1 Information
Suspect’s age at the time of the plot discovery or attack
Suspect’s sex
  • Unknown


What was the suspect’s affiliation with the targeted school?
Current Student
Please describe the suspect’s academic history
Within 6 months prior to the attack, did the suspect exhibit any of the following academic issues?
  • Unknown


Please describe the suspect’s disciplinary history
  • Unknown


Suspect characteristics
  • Unknown


Was the suspect ever formally treated (hospitalized, prescribed medication) for a mental illness/developmental disorder?
Did the suspect suffer from addiction or substance abuse (formally diagnosed or not)?
Was the suspect involved in bullying? (Either as bully or victim)
  • Unknown


Did the suspect experience a life-changing event/ traumatic experience, other than bullying, at any point in their life?
Was the suspect known to the criminal justice system? (As an offender or victim)
Did the suspect engage frequently with violent media/entertainment or written materials (either by consuming or producing the materials)?
  • Unknown


Did the suspect tell/threaten anyone directly and overtly about his/her school violence plans prior to the discovery of the attack or the attack itself (other than co-conspirators)?
  • Unknown


If using news articles as a source, please provide the URL(s) in the text box below
Describe the lessons learned from this attack or planned attack
Act immediately regarding threatening behavior.
As was done in this case, determine the level of access to weapons.
If these individuals are convicted of a felony or certain gun-related misdemeanors, their names should be added to the firearms “no purchase” list maintained by the National Instant Criminal Background Check System.
What recommendations would you make so that an attack or planned attack can be avoided in the future?
Complete a Behavioral Threat Assessment and Management plan regarding this incident.
What changes to school procedure would you recommend to avoid attacks or planned attacks in the future?
None at this time.